Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A New Adventure!

      Thailand has been great! The memories I've made with the ones I love and the great experiences I've encountered were thrilling. It was a huge joy to be back at home for the summer. Thank you all for your encouragement through your gifts and prayers...

      Some things that I personally enjoyed while being back in Thailand was the food, delicious yet spicy as can be! Just thinking about the flavors makes my mouth water and makes my heart yearn to travel back soon... Going back this summer, I've also had the opportunity to travel around Thailand to explore and see the beauty of God's creation. It's definitely a sight to see! From tremendous waterfalls to hugging majestic tigers, I've made many memories that will last for a lifetime. 

      Being back with family and friends from high school were such a blessing as well. I've had the opportunity to see some of my best friends and "catch up" with them, to be encouraged and be an encouragement in their lives. But what I loved about this summer was the numerous hours of time I had with my family. They seem to be doing well (Praise God). Everyone in the family have been busy, but are still happy and joyful. 

       This summer I had the opportunity to expose myself again to the mission field. I've seen Thailand from a new perspective, a perspective of a college student focused on the Bible. Stephen, my father, was able to teach me the ropes of the mission field. I've taken lessons about the Greek language and learned some tips and tricks on how to effectively preach to the Lisu people (minority group living in Thailand, Burma, China). It was a wonderful experience as I got to see progress, not only in my teachings, but the growth of people yearning to hear about Christ. I also received much feedback and love from my messages. Many people were stressed out with their personal problems and after hearing my message, they seemed to be at peace. Many realized that I was speaking words of wisdom that made an impact on the people's lives! It was life-changing and an encouragement to many, praise God for his goodness. 

         Over the summer, one thing that truly stuck out to me was the many blessings of God. Most Americans have truly been blessed by God in all things: an abundance in food, clothes, etc. Notice that they have nice cars to take them wherever and whenever they want to go. They have a nice comfortable home. All these things have been a blessing given from God that people never could've earned alone. That being said, not many people receive this much blessings like the Americans do. Over the summer, I got to hear about a small minority group, the Lisu people in Burma, who have truly been going through pain and suffering. A brief history of Burma is the recent war strikes going back and forth between the government and the rebels. The rebel group have been going against the Burmese government .... and in retaliation the government have been sending in forces. It's a battleground that drove the Lisu people away from their homelands. A very depressing situation occurred and many people are forced to run away, leaving their family, their livestock, and their home behind to find refuge. (If you would like to read more about this incident, look up this link: http://newsfromwongs.blogspot.com/2017/01/good-news-and-bad-new.html

          As summer drew to an end, it was once again a pain to walk away from my family and take my flight back to Boise in order to start up my second year at Boise Bible College. It was a pain to stop being a part of the mission field (physically) and being with my family once again, but God's plans are higher than mine. The flight back to the States was a smooth trip, thank God! When reaching the States, I've had the opportunity to stay with a good friend, Johnny Mercer and eventually end up going to a Middle school summer camp. It was yet another great experience as I got the chance to speak truth and life into the hearts of the middle schoolers. Many kids coming from rough backgrounds felt a sense of security being in camp. This was where I as well as many leaders were able to love on them, play games with them, talk about Jesus with them. A great sight to see as kids were pouring out their hearts and souls to Christ. Yet again, another blessing from God as many people were influenced at camp. Soon, there will be a small get together to hold many baptisms with these kids!

           Finally, when summer came to a stop, I finally moved back into the dorms of Boise Bible College. I have finally received all my classes and have fallen in love with each them. Many classes that I am taking do require a lot of time and effort, but are truly promising! I've had the opportunity to see some of my old friends as well as meet the new incoming freshmen. Looking back, I see this as being another blessing God has given to me. His blessings never stop flowing!

           Prayer Request: I do ask that you may keep me in your prayers with the following
     - Focus on school work
     - Keeping God in the center of my life
     - Able to be a light and an encouragement towards others
     - Having the energy to do ministry at my local church (Ten Mile Christian Church)

     -To eventually go to Myanmar and China with my father in the near future and continue doing mission works, experiencing culture from a different country and helping Asians for Christ (prayers needed as I am in need of financial support to make this trip possible).
Thank you all for your prayers for me during the summer. I can't wait for many other adventures and trips that God will lead me on...